1. 負責製造規劃,包括生產線佈局、設備規劃、產能規劃、生產效率最佳化。
2. 協調生產營運規劃並提出流程和品質改善策略以提高產能。
3. 定義生產流程及相關文件。
4. 新產品導入。
5. 跨部門溝通協調,使各部門工作流程順利進行
6. 進行製造部變革管理,確保所有變更有良好的追蹤並滿足訂單需求。
7. 負責依據TPM(全員生產管理)政策來維護設備及廠房設施。
8. 負責數位轉型和實踐工業 4.0。
Education :
1. Degree in Engineering or Industrial management
Working experience :
1. 5+ years of experience in manufacturing dept. with various/customized products.
2. Experience in electronics factory engineering management is preferred.
3. Familiar with manufacturing operation processes and knowledge of manufacturing orders, product costs, and inventory management within the ERP system.
4. Familiar Production line layout, equipment planning, production capacity planning, standard working hours formulation, production efficiency optimization.
5. Good problem solving, cost control ability, cross-function communication skills.
6. Proactive, detail-minded, continuous improvement mindset.